Monthly Financial Analysis
2 MonthlyRevenue as (
3 select
4 date_trunc(
5 cast(
6 format_date('%Y-%m-%d', parse_date('%d.%m.%Y', posted_date)) as date
7 )
8 , month
9 ) month
10 , sum(
11 case
12 when amount_type = 'ItemPrice' then amount
13 else 0
14 end
15 ) as GrossRevenue
16 , sum(
17 case
18 when amount_type = 'Refund' then amount
19 else 0
20 end
21 ) as Refunds
22 , avg(amount) as AverageItemPrice
23 from
24 {{raw.amazon_selling_api_oauth.settlement_report}}
25 group by
26 month
27 )
28 , OrderDiscounts as (
29 select
30 date_trunc(cast(purchase_date as date), month) month
31 , avg(item_promotion_discount) as AveragePromotionDiscount
32 , avg(shipping_price) as AverageShippingPrice
33 , avg(shipping_tax) as AverageShippingTax
34 from
35 {{staging.amazon_selling.orders_by_last_updated_date_report}}
36 group by
37 month
38 )
40 r.Month
41 , r.GrossRevenue
42 , r.Refunds
43 , r.GrossRevenue - r.Refunds as NetRevenue
44 , r.AverageItemPrice
45 , d.AveragePromotionDiscount
46 , d.AverageShippingPrice
47 , d.AverageShippingTax
49 MonthlyRevenue r
50 join OrderDiscounts d on r.Month = d.Month
51order by
52 r.Month desc;
| Month | GrossRevenue | Refunds | NetRevenue | AverageItemPrice | AveragePromotionDiscount | AverageShippingPrice | AverageShippingTax |
| 2022-03-01 | 2500.00 | 100.00 | 2400.00 | 25.00 | 5.00 | 10.00 | 1.50 |
| 2022-02-01 | 3000.00 | 200.00 | 2800.00 | 30.00 | 6.00 | 12.00 | 1.80 |
| 2022-01-01 | 3500.00 | 150.00 | 3350.00 | 35.00 | 7.00 | 14.00 | 2.10 |
The Monthly Financial Analysis SQL template is designed to provide insights into the financial performance of an Amazon integration. This SQL code calculates various metrics related to revenue, refunds, item prices, promotion discounts, shipping prices, and shipping taxes on a monthly basis. The SQL code starts by creating two subqueries: MonthlyRevenue and OrderDiscounts. The MonthlyRevenue subquery calculates the gross revenue, refunds, and average item price for each month based on the data from the Amazon settlement report. The OrderDiscounts subquery calculates the average promotion discount, average shipping price, and average shipping tax for each month based on the data from the Amazon orders report. The main query then joins the results from the MonthlyRevenue and OrderDiscounts subqueries on the month column and selects various metrics such as gross revenue, refunds, net revenue (gross revenue minus refunds), average item price, average promotion discount, average shipping price, and average shipping tax. The results are ordered by month in descending order. This SQL template can be useful for conducting monthly financial analysis on Amazon integration data. It provides insights into revenue trends, refund patterns, average item prices, promotion discounts, and shipping costs. By analyzing these metrics over time, businesses can gain valuable insights into their financial performance and make informed decisions to optimize their Amazon operations.